Exercise 8: Locating Old Pages

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How many times have you come across a Web page describing information that is out dated or no longer accurate? In this exercise we'll show you how to use Linkbot to identify old pages that may need updating or should be removed .

To locate the old pages in the Report Window:

  1. Run a complete analysis on the site.
  2. Select the Old Pages option in the left frame. Linkbot will display old pages in the left frame's list.
  3. Switch the right frame to the Properties Tab to check the actual last modified date.

Note: Old pages are calculated by checking the last modified date of the URL returned by the Web server. If the last modified date is blank for your pages, check to see if your web server is configured to return this variable.

To customize the What's Old list:

  1. Select Options from the Tools menu.
  2. Select the "Reporting" tab.
  3. Select a new date in the "Old =" field.

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